
.: lyrics :.

Credits: Musci - Dr. Sayeed. Tabla - Surendra Mistry


phir mujhe diidah-e tar yaad aayaa dil jigar tishnah-e faryaad aayaa again/then wet eyes came to mind heart and liver became thirsty for lament dam liyaa thaa nah qiyaamat ne hanuuz phir tiraa vaqt-e safar yaad aayaa Doomsday had not yet/still taken a breath again/then the time of your journey came to mind saadagiihaa-e tamannaa ya((nii phir vuh nairang-e na:zar yaad aayaa simplicities of longing-- that is again/then that marvel/enchantment of sight came to mind u;zr-e vaamaa;Ndagii ay ;hasrat-e dil naalah kartaa thaa jigar yaad aayaa an excuse of fatigue, oh longing of the heart! I used to lament-- the liver came to mind zindagii yuu;N hii guzar hii jaatii kyuu;N tiraa raahguzar yaad aayaa life would have passed somehow or other why did your road come to mind? aah vuh jur))aat-e faryaad kahaa;N dil se tang aa ke jigar yaad aayaa ah, where is that courage of/for lamentation! having become annoyed with the heart, the liver came to mind phir tire kuuche ko jaataa hai ;xiyaal dil-e gum-gashtah magar yaad aayaa again/then thought goes to your street but/perhaps the lost heart came to mind ko))ii viiraanii-sii viiraanii hai dasht ko dekh ke ghar yaad aayaa [now that] is a wilderness-type wilderness! having seen the desert, my house came to mind kyaa hii ri.zvaa;N se la;Raa))ii hogii ghar tiraa ;xuld me;N gar yaad aayaa what a fight there'll be with Rizvan! if in Paradise your house would come to mind mai;N ne majnuu;N pah la;Rakpan me;N asad sang u;Thaayaa thaa kih sar yaad aayaa against Majnun, in boyhood/childishness, Asad, I had picked up a stone-- when {my head came to mind / I recollected myself}